Build trust and intimacy by working out together.



Our functional classes have a mixture of strength and conditioning components. Our strength lifts focus on functional movements, and include squatting, pulling, lifting and pressing, combined with a conditioning workout to get your heart rate up and your sweat on.


Our power workouts incorporate olympic lifting. These lifts are the clean and jerk, and snatch. Olympic lifts help us generate power, as well as coordination, balance, and strength; not to mention they are a cool lift to learn and complete. Our experienced trainers will break down the movements to safely teach beginners these complex lifts. Each power class will conclude with a conditioning workout that will allow you to use all that power you’ve built during the session.


The enduro workouts are designed to work on your endurance. These workouts are usually longer in duration and allow you to workout at a steady state for an extended period. The enduro class are great to build your stamina and will aid with weight loss.


Our crew workouts are team or partner workouts. This may include team/partners sharing the workload, completing the workload together, or breaking the workout up to suit each individual’s strengths.


Our mix classes are a mixture of all the above. Each week will be different.

Open Gym

Missed a workout? Can’t make it to your favorite class time? Open gym is a good chance to come in and do your own workout. A trained coach will be on site to help where needed, although open gym is not a supervised session.